To access the Kansas Eligibility Enforcement System (KEES), the user must log in using a unique username and password. See Request User Access if a user does not have a username and password.
Click the KEES Icon from the computer desktop. The KEES Login page displays.
Enter the assigned Username and Password.
Click the Log In button. The KEES Home Page displays.
NOTE: KEES allows three attempts to enter a username and password correctly. After three attempts users are locked out of KEES and should contact the KEES Help Desk at 1-844-723-5337 Option 1 to reset the password.
Click Logout from the Utility Navigation on any KEES page to sign off. Users are automatically logged out after 20 consecutive minutes of inactivity.
NOTE: It is best practice to exit a case prior to logging out of KEES.
If users have issues with KEES, imaging, processes or tasks, the following table help you answer their questions.
If the first option doesn’t resolve the issue, move on to the next option.
Contact Type |
Name |
Phone Number |
Email Address |
Public | Public Help Desk | 877-782-7358 | N/A |
Worker (DCF, KDHE, Maximus) | KEES Help Desk |
Issue |
Steps to Resolve |
User is locked out of KEES or ImageNow (ID or password issues) | Contact KEES Tier 1 at 1-844-723-KEES(5337), Option 1. |
System error pops up on user’s screen in KEES or ImageNow |
At times, these errors are a user error. Before contacting the KEES Help Desk, have user try a second time by clicking on a tab in the Global or Local Navigation, then return to the KEES page that the error was received. If the error is received a second time
User cannot access KEES, but can access the internet |
User cannot access KEES or the internet |
Follow your agency's procedures for IT issues. |
KEES system is slow or there is a complete work stoppage |
Individual or Public contacts you about issue with the online KEES application | Refer to the KEES Public Help Desk 1-877-782-7358. |