Request User Access

When an employee requests access to KEES, they are required to submit a KEES User Request by contacting their designated KEES Submitter for their region and business area. The KEES Submitter will use the provided user information to submit a request using the Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) system. When the request is submitted, OIM will send the request to the designated KEES Business Approver for their region and business area. See Submit a New User Request for more information.

NOTE: See DCF Submitter & Approver List or KDHE Submitter & Approver List for designated submitters and approvers in the user’s region and business area.

After the request is reviewed and approved by the KEES Business Approver, then OIM will route the approval request to the KEES Security Administrator. The KEES Security Administrator will validate the user has completed the required training and submitted the requested supporting documents.

NOTE: See KEES Access Instructions for a list of required training and documents.

Once approved, the KEES Security Administrator will create the user in KEES and the system will notify the user of their username and temporary password.

NOTE: See Password Initial Setup for how to change a temporary password.

Also see:

Submit a New User Request

Approve a New User Request

Reject a New User Request

Request More Information

Respond to an Additional Information Request

View a Response to an Additional Information Request