Users utilize the Non-Citizenship Status Detail page to document non-citizens, including Refugee and SOBRA Emergency applicants. Remember to use the VLP Verification Detail page if the consumer declares themselves a lawful permanent resident.
NOTE: This page uses Continuous Dating, meaning there can be no gaps or overlaps between the records. If needing to make a change to information on this page, users must Add a new record. When the new record is saved, effective dating occurs in order to maintain historical data.
NOTE: KEES does not approve a Legal Permanent Resident in the month 5 years from the date of entry.
KEES approves appropriately the month following the month the consumer reaches 5 years from the date of entry.
Example: Date of entry = 05/13/2011—KEES does not allow approval until 06/2016.
Also see: Lawful Permanent Resident Meets 5 Year Requirement in Month of Requested Eligibility, Verify Lawful Presence (VLP) Interface & Troubleshooting - Non-Citizenship Family Medical
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Non-Citizenship from Task Navigation. The Non-Citizenship Status List page displays.
Click the Add button. The Non-Citizenship Status Detail page displays.
Select the consumer from the Name drop-down menu.
Enter the USCIS Document Type and Additional Fields, which display dynamically based on the document type.
Select the Country of Citizenship.
Enter the Date of Entry using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Select the appropriate Medical Verification Status.
Complete the Initial SAVE Status field with the appropriate value for the type of non-citizenship.
If this field is left blank KEES will not return a correct result.
Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.
Enter the Date of Entry as the month prior to the actual month of entry.
Run EDBC for the month of requested eligibility.
After Saving and Accepting the appropriate EDBC results, Edit the Non-Citizenship record to update the Date of Entry to reflect the actual date.