Adding a Family Plan

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages.  Select Family Plan from Task Navigation. The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button.  The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

  3. Verify the Begin and End Dates defaulted correctly. If needed, enter the correct dates using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  

  4. Complete the steps for Adding a Child Care Plan for each child as needed.

  5. After adding all necessary Child Care Plans, click the Calculate button on the Family Plan – Child Care Detail page.  The Family Benefit Schedule populates.

    NOTE:  If the consumer is not eligible for Child Care based on the information entered on all of the data collection pages, N/A displays for the entirety of the Family Plan.  If this result is not expected, Save or Cancel the Family Plan and Run EDBC for Child Care to determine the ineligibility status.

NOTE:  If the Family Share exceeds the Cost of Care for the entire duration of the Family Plan, Save the Family Plan and Negative Action the program with a Reason of Family Share Exceeds Cost of Care.

  1. Click the Save button.  The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays in a Read-Only version.

  1. Click the Close button.  The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays with the Family Plan Status of Pending, Change Pending, or Approval Required.

  2. If the user has made all necessary updates to the case, Run EDBC.