Adding an Enrollment Fee

Enrollment Fees are added to Child Care Plans, display as part of the Family Plan and are issued to the consumer as part of the monthly benefit.  These steps should only be used if there was no reported schedule change in addition to the enrollment fee request.  If there are schedule changes, see Editing a Child Care Plan.

To Add an Enrollment Fee

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages.  Select Family Plan from Task Navigation.  The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays.

  2. On the Family Plan – Child Care List page click the Edit button associated to the active Family Plan.  The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button associated to the Child Care Plan of the child for whom the enrollment fee assistance has been requested.  The Child Care Plan Detail page displays.

  4. Enter the amount of the allotted Enrollment Fee assistance.  

  5. Enter the Enrollment Fee Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  6. Click the Save and Return button.  The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays.

    NOTE:  If the consumer reports a schedule change in addition to requesting enrollment fee assistance, see Editing a Child Care Plan.

  7. Select the Benefit Month from the drop-down menu.  The Calculate button uses the Benefit Month to determine which month(s) to recalculate in the Family Benefit Schedule. When selecting a Benefit Month consideration should be made for change and notification policies.

  8. Click the Calculate button.  The Enrollment Fee displays in the Family Benefit Schedule in the designated Benefit Month.

  9. Using the multi-select menu, select the appropriate Change Reason(s).

  10. Click the Save button.  The Family Plan – Child Care Detail page displays in a Read-Only version.

  11. Click the Close button.  The Family Plan – Child Care List page displays with the Family Plan Status of Change Pending.

  12. If the user has made all necessary updates to the case, Run EDBC.