Contact Summary - Non-Medical

The Contact Summary page is where a user can add or update an address for all current household members.

NOTE: This page uses Continuous Dating, meaning there can be no gaps or overlaps between the records. If needing to make a change to information on this page, users must Add a new record. When the new record is saved, effective dating occurs in order to maintain historical data.

NOTE: For Safe at Home consumers, use the central Safe at Home address for both the Mailing and Physical address.  The county should be edited to the actual county of residence for correct TANF determination based on shelter group.

To Add or Update an Address for a Case Person:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Contact from Task Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.

  2. Click the Add button to navigate to the Address Detail page.

NOTE: To multi-select click on the Name of the first person, hold down the Ctrl Key, and then left-click the Names of the Other Persons.

  1. Enter the Begin Date for the address using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

NOTE: This should be the date of application or the date the address is being added/updated for reported changes. If a future date is entered in the Begin Date field the hard stop error message “Error. Begin date cannot be in the future.” is received.

  1. Select the Address Type(s) being updated.

NOTE: To multi-select click on the Address Type(s) while holding down the Ctrl key, and then left-click the additional Address Type(s).

  1. Enter the new Address information.

NOTE: If a college student under 19 moves out-of-state or a consumer is admitted to a medical facility in another state, DCF should utilize the “This person is living out of state” check box on the Address Detail page and update the person’s Household Status record as “Out of the Home” on the DCF case.  This allows the consumer to be discontinued from Non-Medical benefits because he/she is out of the home.  This leaves the KS address on the Contact Summary in the event the consumer is still on a KanCare MAGI program.

  1. Click the Save and Return button. The Select Address page displays.

  2. Select the radio button for the appropriate address. If applicable, complete the County drop-down menu.

NOTE:  When entering an address In Care Of or C/O, select the User Entered Address and select the appropriate County.

NOTE: If a consumer moves out of state and an out of state address is added the user needs to confirm the County Code on the Contact Summary/Address Detail reflects the last known KS County.

  1. Click the Select button.

Please follow agency policy regarding Mailing Address when a consumer states they are homeless by entering General Delivery if a valid Mailing Address is not available. When entering a Physical Address, enter Homeless on Address Line 1, and the City and Zip Code of the Mailing Address, in order to complete the required fields.

NOTE: If a Primary Applicant moves out of state, after updating the address and processing the changes, the worker should determine if the other agency (DCF or KDHE) has an Active Program. If another agency has an Active Program, the user should communicate the change to the other agency. See the Agency Cross Communication Guide on how address changes should be communicated.