The Contact Summary page is used to add or update an address for all LIEAP household members.
NOTE: Information in KEES should be reviewed prior to taking system action. If KEES system data including address is conflicting end users should research, verify and take appropriate system action.
LIEAP cases are registered prior to e-linking. During Registration an address was added or verified, normalized and saved to the case. Normalized addresses in KEES contain a 5-digit zip + 4-digit code.
· Addresses submitted from the SSP do not contain the zip 4-digit code.
Because the SSP address is missing the 4-digit code KEES detects a new address being reported during e-Linking and will populate the Contact Summary with the SSP address and a NEW indicator.
End-users will need to Reject the address missing the 4-digit code and displaying New.
Click the Edit button for the case person with a New indicator. The Address Detail page displays.
Use the Reject All button to reject the information.
A Light Box displays the question: “The following data items have not been accepted. Clicking “Continue” will reject this data. Do you want to continue?”
Click the Continue button to proceed or the Cancel button to re-evaluate the data before proceeding.
Clicking the Continue button closes the Light Box.
The address record(s) is rejected for ALL persons and Address Types and no longer displays on the Contact Summary page