Foster Care to Adoption Assistance (AA)

Adoption Assistance Pre-Finalization

An Adoption Assistance Subsidy (Cash) case will be opened at the time the Adoption Assistance Agreement is signed based on PPS policy.  A case for the Foster Care and Foster Care Medical programs are already open in KEES.  Until the adoption is finalized the Foster Care program will remain Active while the PPS Medical aid code will remain FCM.

Although the type of assistance remains Foster Care, a new Administrative Role may need to be added if the child is placed with someone other than the current foster parent.  The type of Administrative Role will remain Placement Provider until finalization.  The address on the Contact Summary page will remain the Foster Care contractor's address.

Establishing Adoption Assistance

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go.  The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Add an Adoption Assistance program block to the case.  See Add New Program for detailed steps.

NOTE:  Enter the Program Begins on date located on the PPS 6130-Adoption Assistance Agreement section V Adoption Assistance will begin using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  1. Select Manual EDBC from Task Navigation.  The Manual EDBC List page displays.

  2. Select the month Adoption Subsidy begins from the Benefit Month drop-down menu.  Click the Select button.

  3. Select the check box for Adoption Assistance and select the Run Reason of Manual EDBC Program.

  4. Click the Create Manual EDBC button.  The Manual EDBC List page displays.

  5. Click the Adoption Assistance hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted.  The Adoption Assistance Manual EDBC Summary page displays.  See Manual EDBC - Adoption Assistance for further instructions, then proceed to STEP 45.

  6. Set a future task to check the status of the adoption proceedings.  See Task Management.

NOTE:  Best practice is to set the task for 6 months.

  1. Select Journal from Utility Navigation.  Record all actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.

  1. Notify Adoption Assistance Eligibility worker of Placement Provider change per current PPS procedures when applicable.

Updating Foster Care

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  2. Click the + to expand the Foster Care pages from Task Navigation. Select Child Placement from Task Navigation. The Child Placement List page displays.

  1. Click the Add button. The Child Placement Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Select button associated with the Placement Resource. The Select Foster Care Resource page displays.

  3. Enter as much information about the adoptive parent as possible in the search fields.

  4.  Click the Search button. The Select Foster Care Resource page redisplays with a list of resources.

  5. Click the radio button next to the appropriate resource and click the Select button. The Child Placement Detail page displays with the resource populated.

  6. Select Child Welfare Agency from the Payee drop-down menu. The Search button dynamically displays.

  7. Click the Search button. The Select Foster Care Resource page displays.

  8. Enter as much information as possible for the Case Management Agency. Click the Search button. The Select Foster Care Resource page redisplays with a list of resources.

  9. Click the radio button for the appropriate resource and click the Select button. The Child Placement Detail page displays with the Case Management Agency populated in the Payee Name field.

  10. Enter the date of placement in the Begin Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  11. Click the Save and Continue button. The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays with the Begin Date of the new placement and the Begin Date and End Date of the previous placement.

  12. Click the Save button. The Child Placement List page displays with a record showing the new placement information.

  13. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation.

  14. Select the month of the new placement from the Benefit Month drop-down menu.

  15. Click the Select button.

  16. Select the check box for the Foster Care program.

  17. Click the Run EDBC button. The EDBC List page displays.

  18. Click the Foster Care hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted. The Foster Care EDBC page displays.

  19. Verify the EDBC results are correct.

  1. Click the Save and Continue button. The Case Summary page displays.

Updating Foster Care Medical

  1. Click the View Details button in the Medical Programs block if the Placement Provider has changed.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button next to the current Placement Provider in the Administrative Roles section if the placement has changed.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  4. Enter the End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.  

NOTE: The End Date is the date prior to the Adoption Assistance begin date.

  1. Click the Save and Return button.  The Medical Program Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles section.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  3. Select Placement Provider from the Administrative Role drop-down menu.  The Resource label appears.

  4. Click the Select button under Resource.  The Select Resource page displays.

  5. Select Foster Care in the Category drop-down menu.

NOTE:  Enter Name and any other known search criteria to minimize the list of results.

  1. Click the Search button.  The Select Resource page displays with results.

  2. Click the radio button by the correct resource.

  3. Click the Select button.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  4. Enter the same date as the adoption assistance agreement was signed in the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.  

  5. Click the Save and Return button.  The Medical Detail page displays.

NOTE:  Changing the name of the Placement Provider identified as an Administrative Role does not require running EDBC.  Information will be sent to MMIS by a nightly batch.

NOTE:  An auto Journal log entry will be generated showing the new person as the placement provider.

Adoption Assistance Finalization

Once the adoption is finalized, several changes need to be made to the case.  These changes are made on the following pages within KEES:

NOTE: The Foster Care program must be discontinued prior to running EDBC for Adoption Medical. See Discontinue Foster Care.

Case Summary Page

The adoptive parent will currently appear as a Placement Provider on the Medical program block.  Refer to Adoption Assistance Pre-Finalization for more information.  The user will now need to add an administrative role of PPS Payee.  This provides the adoptive parent with the authority to talk with the Managed Care Organization (MCO) and, if desired, change the MCO.

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go.  The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Click the View Details button in the Adoption Assistance program block. The Adoption Assistance (AA) Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button. The Adoption Assistance (AA) Detail page displays in editable form.

  4. Enter the Adoption Finalization Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  5. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.

  6. Click the View Details button in the Medical Programs block.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  7. Click the Edit button.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  8. Click the Edit button next to the current Placement Provider in the Administrative Roles section.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  9. Enter the day prior to the date of the adoption finalization in the End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.  

  10. Click the Save and Return button.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  11. Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles section.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  12. Select PPS Payee from the Administrative Role drop-down menu.  The Resource label displays.

  13. Click the Select button under Resource.  The Select Resource page displays.

  14. Enter the resource information.

  15. Click the Search button.  The Select Resource page displays with results.

  16. Click the radio button by the correct resource.  

  17. Click the Select button.  The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  18. Enter the date the adoption assistance agreement was signed in the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.  

  19. Click the Save and Return button.  The Medical Detail page displays.

  20. Click the Save and Return button.  The Case Summary page displays.

Contact Summary Page

The address needs to be changed from the Foster Care contractor to the Adoptive Parent(s).

  1. Select Contact from Task Navigation.  The Contact Summary page displays.

  2. Click the Add button.  The Address Detail page displays.

  3. Select the Consumer’s name from the Address Applies To drop-down menu.

  4. Enter the date the adoption is finalized in the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  5. Multi-select Mailing and Physical by holding Ctrl key while clicking each value from the Address Type(s) drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the address of the Adoptive Parent for Address Line 1, City, State and ZIP code fields.

  7. Click the Save and Return button.  The Select Address page displays.

  8. Select the radio button next to the Normalized Address.

  9. Click the Select button.  The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays.

NOTE: This page shows KEES is end dating the existing record and starting a new record.   

  1. Verify the dates are correct then click the Save button. The Contact Summary page displays.

Individual Demographics Page

The user needs to record the name change of the child, establish an alias for the old name and, if needed, record a new SSN.

  1. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.  The Contact Summary page displays.

  2. Select Individual Demographics from Task Navigation.  The Individual Demographics List page displays.

  3. Click the Edit button.  The Individual Demographics Detail page displays.

  4. Enter the child’s current First Name, Middle Name/Initial, and Last Name in the Previous Names section at the bottom of the page. Do not click Add. This is only required if there are additional Aliases to enter.

  5. Select the appropriate value from the Name Type drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the old Social Security Number in the Social Security Number section at the bottom of the page, if applicable. Do not click Add. This is only required if there is additional information to enter.

  7. Enter the adopted First Name, Middle Name/Initial, and Last Name in the Name section at the top of the page.

  8. Select the appropriate value from the Name Type drop-down menu.

  9. Enter new Social Security Number in the Social Security Number field if applicable.

  10. Click the Save and Return button.  The Individual Demographics List page displays.

NOTE:  The Case Name that displays in the banner at the top of the page will update to the name change.

Foster Care Eligibility Determination Page

When the adoption is finalized the child will be in the custody of the adoptive parents. The Custody Authority must be end dated. See PPS Discontinue Foster Care.

Child Placement Page

The Child Placement page is used to record the child placement while in foster care. This page must be end dated. See PPS Discontinue Foster Care.

Run Foster Care EDBC Page

EDBC must be run to discontinue the foster care program block. Once the user has end dated the Custody Authority page and the Child Placement page, rules will determine the child is no longer eligible for foster care. See Run EDBC- PPS.


  1. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation.  The Run EDBC page displays.

  2. Select the month following the month the Foster Care medical end dated from the Benefit Month drop-down menu.  Example:  Foster Care medical end-dated with 01/31/2015.  User will run EDBC for February to establish Adoption medical effective 02/01/2015.

  3. Click the Select button.

  4. Select the check box next to the Medical program.

  5. Click the Run EDBC button.  The EDBC List page displays.

  6. Click the Medical hyperlink.  The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  7. Review the information:

  1. Click the Accept button.  The EDBC List page displays with Run Status of Accepted – Not Saved.  

  2. Click the Save and Continue button.  The Distributed Documents page displays with the Notice of Action (NOA) generated. Select the check box next to the NOA. Click the Delete button. The NOA is removed from the Distributed Documents page.

  3. Select Run EDBC and authorize medical through the come-up month to ensure the medical program is high-dated if the Begin Month for Adoption Assistance is earlier than the come-up month.

  4. Select Journal from Utility navigation.  Record all actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.

  5. Notify Child Support Services of the adoption finalization per agency policy when applicable.