New Case Registration - Non-Medical

Complete a Person Search and Usable Case Number/Usable Program Block, if applicable, prior to completing these steps. This process should only be followed if the consumer does not have a Usable Case Number or is not known to KEES. If a consumer has a usable case number see Existing Case Number Registration.

NOTE: No physical address is entered for Safe at Home consumers, only use the central Safe at Home mailing address.  The county should be edited to the actual county of residence for correct TANF determination based on shelter group.

New Case Registration

  1. Select Case Info from Global Navigation and New Application from Local Navigation. The Registration Person Search page displays.
  2. Enter all of the consumer’s known information in the search criteria (e.g. First and Last Name, SSN, DOB, Aliases). Click the Search button. The Registration Person Search Results page displays with a list of potential consumer matches.

o    If the appropriate consumer is found, click the radio button for the person’s name then click the Use Selected Person button.

o    If the appropriate consumer is not found, click the Create New Person button.

  1. The Registration Person Detail page displays.
  1. The Registration Person Detail page redisplays with the new address. Click the Save and Continue.
  2. If the consumer is known to an existing case number the Previous Case List page displays. Since a usable case number was not found during the Person Search, click the Create New Case button.
  3. The Case Member List page displays.

NOTE: To remove a person from the application, while on the Case Member List page select the check box for the person’s name and click the Remove button. This removes the person from the case only, not from the KEES database. The person has already been added to KEES and assigned a Client ID number.

  1. The New Program Detail page displays.

NOTE: Once the programs are added and the New Program Detail page is saved, the chosen Primary Applicant displays as the Case Head.

o    Enter the Date of Application using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

o    Using the Spoken Language drop-down menu select the language.

o    Using the Source drop-down menu select Paper.  

o    Click the Add button for the corresponding person in the Program Information block to navigate to the Select Programs page.

NOTE: Do not click the Cancel button on the New Programs Detail page.  At this point, a case has been created. Clicking the Cancel button navigates the user to the Case Summary page without adding any programs or completing the worker assignment. See Troubleshooting Registration if this occurs.

  1. The Select Programs page is used to select the program(s) for which the person is applying.

o    Select the check box for each program being applied for.

o    Click the Select button. The New Program Detail page displays.

o    Repeat this process for each person applying for benefits.

NOTE: If the wrong application date is entered during the Registration process, complete Registration and edit the application date from the Program Detail page. See Edit-Application Date - Non Medical for detailed instructions.

Expedited FA Services: If the Food Assistance program has been selected, the question ‘Have any of the Expedited Services questions been answered?’ displays. If the consumer has answered Yes to any of the Expedite questions OR if the application is otherwise able to be expedited, select Yes from the drop-down menu. If the consumer has answered No to all the Expedite questions OR the application is not otherwise able to be expedited, select No from the drop-down menu.

  1. After all persons applying for assistance have been added to the program(s), click the Save and Continue button on the New Programs Detail page.
  2. The Pending Assignment List page displays.

o    Select the check box(es) for the program(s) needing assigned.

o    Click the radio button for Automatic Assignment or complete Manual Assignment.

o    The Automatically Reassign When Activated drop-down menu displays Yes.

o    Click the Assign button.

11.The Case Summary page displays.

o    If the consumer has applied for FA benefits and had been screened expedited, the Expedited Services value must be set on the FA Program Detail page. Please refer to Expedited Food Assistance for steps to complete the process to mail an expedited EBT card.