Troubleshooting Tasks


Determine Who Created a Task

From within the context of the case:

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Click Tasks from Utility Navigation.

  3. Click the Task hyperlink.

  4. Copy the ID under Created By.

  5. Select Admin Tools from Global Navigation. The Staff Search page displays

  6. Paste the ID into the Staff ID field.

  7. Click the Search button. The results display.

Locating Images and Tasks for Unregistered Applications

  1. Log in to ImageNow. The ImageNow Toolbar displays.

  2. Click the Documents tab from the ImageNow Toolbar. The ImageNow Explorer displays.

  3. Use the left side pane to scroll down to the KEES Registration Documents drawer and click it to search within the drawer.

  4. Change the search filter from Application ID to Last Name using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  5. Enter the applicant’s last name in the text box and click Go. The search results display.

  6. Double-click the images to view them in the ImageNow viewer. Use the navigational arrows below the viewer to toggle through the images without opening and closing each image separately.

NOTE: If images do not display check the case number to see if KDHE has successfully registered the application.

  1. Copy the Application ID from the Application ID field located under Document Keys.

  2. Navigate to the Task Portlet on the KEES home page.

  3. Click the View All button. The Task Inventory page displays.

  4. Paste the Application ID into the App ID field and click the Search button. The search results display.

NOTE: For detailed steps on create a manual task see Adding a Task-KEES Case or Adding a Task-No KEES Case.