Unearned Income/Monthly Income

WA 589: Interest/Dividends/Investments not counting correctly in EDBC


Income List Page:

The following Income Categories are considered Unearned Income:

·         Annuities

·         Trusts

·         Child/Spousal Support

·         Contract Sales (LTC)

·         Disability

·         Education

·         Government Payments

·         Insurance

·         Legal Settlement,

·         Third Party

·         Interest

·         Dividends

·         Investments

·         Loans

·         Gifts

·         Contributions

·         Miscellaneous

·         Native American

·         Oil Royalties/Mineral Rights

·         Railroad

·         Retirement

·         Pensions

·         Social Security

·         Unemployment

·         Veterans


The following Income Categories are considered Earned Income and should not be selected as Unearned/Monthly Income:

·         Earnings

·         Self-Employment

·         Work Program/Training


NOTE:  Reimbursements are not considered income and should not be selected.


  1. Select Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.
  2. Select the appropriate Unearned Income Category from the Income Category drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button to navigate to the Income Detail page.




Income Detail Page:


  1. Select the name from the Name drop-down menu.
  2. Claim Number – For Social Security Income only, staff are required to enter the Claim Number (CAN) found in EATSS.  The Claim Number entry must be 10 characters, 9 digits and one letter; NO spaces or dashes.

NOTE: It is important because EDBC uses the Claim Number to help determine eligibility for Protected Medical Groups (PMG). If the consumer is drawing benefits from more than one Social Security Claim Number, all corresponding Social Security Income needs to be added to the Income List page as separate records.  

NOTE:  If a member begins to receive Social Security income from a different CAN number, the previous record must be end dated using the last day of the last month received on the previous CAN number. A new record must be created for the new CAN number income is now being received on using the begin date of the first day of the first month received. Please do not update a previous record with the new CAN number or dates, as this will not preserve the historical records for this income received.

  1. Select Family Medical from the Display Programs drop-down menu under the Income Amounts field.


·         For MIPPA applications, select MIPPA from the Display Programs drop-down menu.  

·         For PMG/Potential PMG cases, select Elderly & Disabled from the Display Programs drop-down menu.

·         For a case that has both MAGI and LTC/WH program blocks, you must have 2 Income records, one with Family Medical Display Program and one with an Elderly & Disabled Display Program.

·         If Income is being allocated (LTC), select Elderly & Disabled from the Display Programs drop-down menu.

NOTE: Unless determining PMG eligibility, it is important to leave the PMG questions blank.

  1.  Select Type from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select Frequency from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Add button to navigate to the Income Amount Detail page.





Income Amount Detail Page:

NOTE:  For LTC/WH cases, if Prior Medical was requested, you will need an Income record for each Prior Medical month.  For Elderly and Disabled cases, you will only need an Income record for each Prior Medical month if changes have been reported in the Prior Medical months.


  1. Enter the amount in the Reported Amount field.
  2. In the Begin Date field, enter the first day of the first month the income is counted for eligibility, using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  (The Begin Date will only be the first day of the month of app. or the first day of Prior Medical if requested, when processing a new application).

NOTE:  If using actual income for a prior medical month, the End Date should be the last day of the month.

  1. Verify the information by selecting a value using the Verified drop-down menu.
  2. Select the source for the verification using the Source drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Save and Return button to navigate to the Income Detail page.



  1. If you wish to add additional records, scroll down to the Save and Add Another button located in the bottom right corner of the Income Detail page.
WA 589: Interest/Dividends/Investments not counting correctly in EDBC