Expedited Food Assistance - Registration

If the consumer has a Pending Food Assistance Program Block and has been registered as an expedited FA application, to complete the expedited registration the user must:

NOTE: Confirm the consumer mailing address is correct prior to completing any expedited registration so the EBT card is mailed to the correct location. See Add Address for more information.

  1. Select View Details on the Food Assistance Program Block from the Case Summary page. The Food Assistance Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button.

  3. Select Yes from the Entitled drop-down menu in the Expedited Services block.

  4. If it is unknown whether there are any postponed verifications, select No from the Postponed Verification drop-down menu.  This value should be updated if verifications are postponed. See Postponed Verifications for more information.

  5. Click the Save and Return button.  The Food Assistance Detail page displays as view-only.

NOTE: Saving the FA Program Detail page mails the EBT card to the consumer. Confirm the mailing address is correct before completing the Expedited Services block.

NOTE:  If an Error in EBT occurs contact the KEES Business Support Help Desk

  1. Click the Close button to return to the Case Summary page.

  2. The Expedited Services indicator displays Yes on the Food Assistance Program Block.

NOTE:  The Expedited Services indicator continues to display as Yes on the Food Assistance Program Block until a new application is registered with a different expedite status.  This status remains through Review(s) as well.