Allocation to Community Spouse

  1. Complete the required Non-Financial Data Collection pages, including the LTC Data Detail page. To complete the LTC Data Detail page:
    NOTE: The spouse must have a Household Status record of In the Home for KEES to complete the income allocation.

  2. Complete all applicable Financial Data Collection pages, including the Income Detail page and Expense Detail page.
    NOTE: Enter all income for both the Long Term Care recipient and the community spouse. Under the Income Amounts section select Elderly and Disabled from the Display Program drop-down menu on the Income Detail page for all income to be counted accurately by rules.

    NOTE: If a consumer does not want an allocation or does not provide the required information to complete an allocation, the user needs to set an Override Allocation of Income on the Expense Detail page. See STEP 3 under Adjusting the Allocation Amount for how to do this. Use $0.00 in the Amount field.

  3. Run EDBC for the application month after all data collection records are entered. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  4. Review the determined allocation amount.

  5. Accept the EDBC result, if the EDBC is correct, on the Medical EDBC Summary.

  6. Click the Save and Continue button. The Distributed Document Search page displays.
    NOTE: See Forms and NOAs and Journal for steps on sending notification and documenting case action.