HCBS to Institutional Care - Temporary Stay to Permanent Stay


NOTE: Change the consumer’s mailing and physical address to the facility’s address. See Contact Summary for information on updating an address.


  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select LTC Data on the Task Navigation menu. The LTC Data List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the current HCBS record.

  3. Click the Edit button on the LTC Data Detail page in the Temporary Care Dates block at the bottom of the page. The Temporary Care Details page displays.

  4. Enter the Temporary Care Discharge Date as the last day of the Temporary Stay using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.  Click the Save and Return button. The LTC Data Detail page displays.

  5. Complete the HCBS Information section:

  6. Click the Save and Return button. The LTC Data List page displays.

  7. Select the Add button to complete the Institutional Care record. The LTC Data Detail page displays.

  8. Select the consumer name from the Name drop-down menu.

  9. Select Institutional Care from the LTC Type drop-down menu.

  10. Enter the date the information is being recorded in the Recorded Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  11. Complete the Facility Information section.

    NOTE: If the Agency or Provider is not found or needs to be updated, see Requesting an Addition or Change to the Resource Databank.

    • Click the radio button for the desired Facility Name/Location.

    • Click the Select button.

    • The provider selected populates on the LTC Data Detail page.

  12. Select Yes next to the Admission Information field.

  13. Enter the Admission Date as the last day of the Temporary Stay from HCBS using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  14. Complete the required fields using MS-2126 Notification of Facility Admission/Discharge received from the facility.

    NOTE: The Admitted From Hospital requires the Previous Admission Date. This date is used when determining the Community Spouse Resource Allowance. If a Community Spouse Resource Allowance is not being completed, do not select Hospital. This field can be left blank.

    NOTE: For the Cost of Care use the Nursing Facility daily rate (from MMIS or KDADS) x 31 days if the stay is more than 30 days. For PRTF Cost of Care use $9000.00.

    NOTE: If the facility did not complete the CARE Screening timely, but the consumer is still eligible for Medicaid, please contact the help desk for processing instructions.

  15. Click the Save and Return button when all necessary information is recorded, . The LTC Data List page displays.

  16. Select Run EDBC from Task Navigation to run EDBC for the month the permanent stay begins. The Run EDBC page displays. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  17. Select the Benefit Month the permanent stay begins from the drop-down menu then click the Select button.

  18. Select the program using the check box. If the month the permanent stay begins is not the come-up month, select Yes for a Timely Notice Exception and a Reason of LTC Late Change then click the Run EDBC button.

  19. Click the Medical hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted on the EDBC List page. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  20. Click the Eligible Budgets hyperlink to check that the LTC Details have accurate start and end dates. If the information is incorrect the user needs to correct the LTC Data Detail page(s).

  21. Click the Close button to close the window. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  22. Click the Accept button if the EDBC Result is correct. The EDBC List page displays.

  23. Click the Save and Continue button.

  24. Run EDBC through the come-up month to high date the new eligibility. See Running EDBC for detailed steps. For months prior to the come-up month, select Yes for a Timely Notice Exception and a Reason of LTC Late Change.

  25. Send Notices. See Manual NOA Generation and Generating a Form for an Institutional Care Facility for detailed steps on sending notifications.

  26. Select Journal from Utility Navigation.  Record a Journal entry of the actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.