Initial Resource Assessment Only


  1. Ensure that the application is registered with the community spouse included as a case person and the LTC spouse as the only person in the Medical program block. If not, see Add New Program or Reapply Program if needed.

  2. Select View Details on the Case Summary page to access the Medical Program Block.

  3. Click the Edit button on the Medical Program Detail page.

  4. Click the Edit button in the Program Persons section.

  5. Click the Add button in the Requested Medical Type section.

  6. Select Resource Assessment Only as the Requested Medical Type.

  7. Enter the Begin Month of the application month.

  8. Enter the LTC Resource Assessment Date as the first time the LTC spouse was in an institutional placement for more than 30 days or the date the LTC spouse qualified for HCBS using the mm/dd/yyyy format or the calendar icon.

  9. Click the Save and Return button until the Case Summary page displays.

  10. Complete all applicable Non-Financial Data Collection pages for the assessment including the LTC Data Detail page, and if under 65 the Medical Condition Detail page. The Begin Date on any non-financial records is the first day of the assessment month. To complete the LTC Data Detail page:

  11. Enter the Date the user is processing the information in the Recorded Date field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  12. Complete the HCBS Information or Facility Information section based on the selected LTC Type.

  13. Click the Select button to select the correct Agency or Facility Name/Location.  The Select Provider Resource page displays in the Resource Databank to search for and select the correct Agency or Facility Name/Location.

  14. Complete all applicable Financial Data Collection pages for the assessment, including the Resource Detail page. When completing the Resource Detail page enter the information and values for the Resource Assessment Date.

  15. Run EDBC for the application month. This is a Read-Only EDBC. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  16. Click the Medical hyperlink to review the EDBC Summary.  The Community Spouse Resource Assessment amount displays in the CSRA Determination section.

  17. Accept the EDBC result on the Medical EDBC Summary if the EDBC is correct.

  18. Click the Save and Continue button on the EDBC List page.