Contact Summary - LIEAP
The Contact Summary page is used to add or update an address for all current household members. This page contains Shared Data, so it is very important to pay close attention to the Begin Date of the existing record(s) prior to making changes.
NOTE: This page uses Continuous Dating, meaning there can be no gaps or overlaps between the records. If needing to make a change to information on this page, users must Add a new record. When the new record is saved, Effective Dating occurs in order to maintain historical data.
Always make sure there is a Mailing and Physical address listed for every person receiving assistance.
NOTE: The LIEAP program does not use alternate addresses, therefore LIEAP staff should not add nor edit an Alternate address for any consumer.
Do not edit historical addresses. Same day editing is allowable; all other situations should utilize the Add function.
NOTE:If there is a Form or Notice of Action (NOA) in Pending – Print Central Status the prior to the address change the correspondence will be sent to the old address.
A user should not run EDBC if the only update is an address change.
EDBC should be run to process the denial or closure when the address change alters Kansas residency.
Clicking View while the Display From and To fields are blank displays the complete address history.
Certain special characters cause errors when EDBC is run and should not be included in the consumer’s address: @ & \ $ % ^ + = ] [ } { |
To Add or Update an Address for a Case Person:
- Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside LIEAP from Task Navigation to open the LIEAP data collection pages. Select Contact from Task Navigation. The Contact Summary page displays.
- Click the Add button to navigate to the Address Detail page.
NOTE: To multi-select click on the Name of the first person, hold down the Ctrl Key, and then left-click the Names of the Other Persons.
- Enter the Begin Date for the address using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
NOTE: This can be the day the consumer reported the change or the date of application.
- Select the Address Type(s) being updated.
NOTE: To multi-select click on the Address Type(s) while holding down the Ctrl Key, and then left-click the additional Address Type(s). For additional information on multi-select see KEES Basics.
- Enter the new Address information.
- Click the Save and Return button. The Select Address page displays.
- Select the radio button for the appropriate address. If applicable, complete the County drop-down menu.
NOTE: If a consumer moves out of state and an out of state address is added the user needs to confirm the County Code on the Contact Summary/Address Detail reflects the last known KS County.
- Click the Select button.
- If the user is adding an initial address to a case clicking the Select button navigates the user to the Contact Summary page.
- If the user is updating an Address, clicking the Select button returns an Effective Dating Confirmation List page. This page shows KEES is end dating the existing record(s) and starting a new record(s). Verify the dates are correct then click the Save button. The Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays each Address Type and Persons updated. Save navigates the user to the Contact Summary page.
NOTE: Please follow agency policy regarding Mailing Address when a consumer states they are homeless. When entering a Physical Address, enter Homeless on Address Line 1, and the City and Zip Code of the Mailing Address in order to complete the required fields.
- If a Primary Applicant moves out of state, after updating the address and processing the changes, the worker should determine if the other agency (DCF or KDHE) has an Active Program. If another agency has an Active Program, the user should communicate the change to the other agency. See Shared Data on how address changes should be communicated.
- If an address is being changed back and forth by both agencies the user is responsible for researching the issue and contacting the consumer to validate which address should be used.
Example 1: A worker is changing an address back to a previously known address.
Example 2: A consumer has reported address XYZ to KDHE and address 123 to DCF. Which is the correct address? The consumer has the ultimate responsibility to report the correct address.