Employment Services Resource Databank (RDB) Maintainer

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to add Providers to the Resource Databank (RDB) for Employment Services and record participant Activity attendance.

Business Process Diagram

Visio diagram of the steps depicted below.

Business Process Steps

Regional Performance Improvement Staff (RDB Maintainers for Employment Services) is responsible for processing Employment Services provider agreements and maintaining their information in the RDB. Employment Services providers are split into the following categories within the RDB:

Follow the process guidelines below or see Resource Databank for Employment Services Maintainer for detailed steps.

Regional Performance Improvement Staff (RDB Maintainer):

NOTE: After the provider agreement is established it is reviewed by DCF Legal. The Regional Director must sign off on the agreement for final approval prior to Operations entering the Provider into SMART. KEES will populate the Provider as a resource in the RDB via the nightly SMART Interface. The Resource Detail page and the Service Detail page are both completed by the SMART Interface.

For Paid and Non-Paid Providers:

NOTE: When reopening an existing Provider, always Add Activities to the provider to preserve historical data.

NOTE: Provider referral forms generated from ESCN are imaged and indexed to the Work Programs document type in ImageNow.

Career Navigators:

Identified Changes

Key Process Consideration