Resource Databank for Employment Services Maintainer

Resource Databank for Employment Services Maintainer

The Resource Databank (RDB) allows users to link specific resources to cases or consumers based on service needs. Paid providers are created via the SMART interface. Non-paid providers are entered as a Resource. The RDB Maintainer is responsible for maintaining provider information in the RDB.

There are three categories for providers in the RDB:  

The Generic Provider category is used to define a single provider for the state to record participant activities that are not tied to a specific provider or entity. For example: Job Search within the DCF service center. This provider does not require any additions or changes to services or activities.

The Resources category is for persons or entities that provide an activity or service at no charge to DCF, otherwise known as non-paid providers.

The SMART Vendor category is for persons or entities that provide an activity and bill DCF for payment, otherwise known as paid providers.

SMART Providers

Adding an Activity - SMART Providers

Editing an Activity - SMART Providers

Copying an Activity – SMART Providers

Closing an Activity - SMART Providers

Non-Paid Providers

Adding a Non-Paid Provider Resource

Adding a Non-Paid Provider Service Type

Adding a Non-Paid Provider Activity

Editing a Non-Paid Provider Resource

Editing a Non-Paid Provider Service Type

Editing a Non-Paid Provider Activity

Copying a Non-Paid Provider Activity

Closing an Existing Non-Paid Provider Resource

Closing a Non-Paid Provider Service Type

Closing a Non-Paid Provider Activity