The Custody Authority – Foster Care Eligibility Determination page is completed for all children in foster care to determine funding eligibility.
Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.
Select Eligibility from Global Navigation and Customer Information from Local Navigation.
Click the + sign for Foster Care from Task Navigation. The menu expands to display Custody Authority, Child Placement, and Re-Evaluation.
Select Custody Authority from Task Navigation. The Custody Authority List page displays.
Click the Add button. The Foster Care Eligibility Determination page displays.
Complete the AFDC-FC/U Worksheet to determine the AFDC Income and Resources for the AFDC Household. Refer to AFDC-FC/U Worksheet for further instructions.
NOTE: It is recommended that this page be completed before you complete the FCED page to have information available to complete the respective fields.
Select the agency of custody from the Custody Authority Type drop-down menu: DCF, KDOC-JS; Tribal Authority-KSS; Tribal Authority–NAFS; Tribal Authority–PBPS; and Tribal Authority-SFSS.
Enter the Custody Authority Begin Date using <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Enter the Contract Manager or Case Manager and Office in the first SW/CSO field. Example: KVC-Topeka or KDOC-JS Topeka.
Enter the Agency and Office in the second SC/CSO field. Example: DCF Hiawatha; Barton Co Juvenile Services Great Bend.
Complete the Removal section:
Enter the name of the person(s) from whom the child was removed in the Child Removed from field.
Select the appropriate value from the Is this a specified relative? drop-down menu.
If Yes is selected, select the appropriate value from the Specified Relative drop-down menu.
Enter the Date removed from Specified Relative using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
NOTE: The relationship of the specified relative and date of removal do not need to be entered if the child was not removed from a specified relative.
Enter the Eligibility Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Select the appropriate value from the “Was the child living with a specified relative during or 6 months prior to the eligibility month?” drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the “Was the child physically or constructively removed from the home of a specified relative within 6 months of the eligibility month?” drop-down menu.
Complete the Legal Information section:
Enter the “Date the petition, complaint or affidavit was filed requesting custody?” using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Enter the Custody Order Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Enter the Court Case Number as entered on the Journal Entry (Alpha Numeric can be entered).
Select the County of Jurisdiction with Judicial District from the drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the Was the child placed in the care custody and control of DCF, KDOC-JS or Tribal Authority drop-down menu.
Enter the Date the child was placed in the care, custody and control of DCF, KDOC-JS or Tribal Authority field using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Select appropriate value from the Was there a judicial finding of “Contrary to Welfare”- (CTW) in the initial Journal Entry removing the child?” drop-down menu.
Enter the Date of the CTW Finding using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Select the appropriate value from the Was the CTW finding on the specific relative drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the Was the child immediately removed from the specified relative? drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the Was there a judicial finding of ‘Reasonable Efforts’ (RE) in the initial journal entry? drop-down menu.
Complete the Household Linkage section:
Complete the Household Group section. Refer to Household Group.
Enter the Name and Relationship field.
Example: Mary Smith, Mother
Select the appropriate value in the Does the AFDC gross income exceed 185% of the need standard field drop-down menu.
Enter the Gross countable income in the eligibility month in the field.
Select appropriate value in the Does the AFDC group net income exceed 100% of the need standard field.
Enter the Net Countable income in the eligibility month in the field.
Select the appropriate value from ‘Does the AFDC group’s resources exceed $10,000 field.
Enter the AFDC Group Resources amount in the field.
Select the appropriate value in the Was the child deprived of support of at least one parent during the eligibility month? field.
Select the appropriate Deprivation Factor from the drop-down menu.
Complete the SSI Benefits section:
Enter the date the Start Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
NOTE: Enter the Date:
The child entered foster care if they were already receiving SSI
The date the SSI referral was submitted to Kansas Legal Services
Click the Add button to save the entry.
NOTE: End Date is entered when SSI is discontinued.
Enter the End Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
Click the Add button to save the entry.
Select the type of court order from the Court Order Type drop-down menu.
NOTE: Temporary Custody is to be used in lieu of Ex Parte Order.
Enter the Court Order Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Click the Add button to save the entry.
NOTE: All fields must be entered to Run EDBC. EDBC determines an aid code based on the information entered. If information is unknown enter ‘No’ or zero as appropriate.