Early Head Start Partnership Child Care

When a parent signs the Referral for Child Care Assistance for Participants in Kansas Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships (KEHS/CCP) they are authorizing the Early Head Start grantees to receive copies of their Child Care correspondence. Follow the steps below to add the grantees as Additional Correspondent Recipients:

  1. On the Case Summary page, click the View Details button in the Child Care program block. The Child Care Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button. The Child Care Detail page displays.

  3. Click the Add button in the Administrative Roles section. The Administrative Role Detail page displays.

  4. Select Additional Correspondence Recipient from the Administrative Role dropdown menu. The Resource field dynamically displays.

  5. Click the Select button under Resource. The Select Resource page displays.

  6. Enter KEHS in the Name field then click the Search button. The Select Resource page redisplays with search results.

  7. Click the radio button for the grantee that is listed on the Kansas Early Head Start Signature line of the referral.

    NOTE: If the grantee you are searching for has two entries, select the mailing address line (the PO Box address).

  8. Click the Select button. The Administrative Role Detail page displays with selected Resource.

  9. Enter the todays date as the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format.

  10. Click the Save and Return button. The Child Care Detail page displays.

  11. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.

When an application for Child Care is received and the parent is participating in the Early Head Start Partnership, often the parent need and parent schedule is not known.  Use the guidance below to complete the pages.

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to process an Early Head Start (EHS) Child Care Partnership application or review.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Steps

All EHS Child Care Partnership applications and reviews are filed via a paper application and contain a referral form from EHS. These applications will carry an ‘Accelerated’ priority in KEES, meaning staff will process these applications within 7 business days. Follow the below steps when processing in the Non-Lobby or Lobby.

Non-Lobby Process

Mail Receiver/Imager:

NOTE: Research Case Name and Case Number and write in the upper right hand corner


Red or Blue Team Worker:

Lobby Process


Team Contact Type Contacted By Location Agency Category Contact Reason Additional Notes
Red Walk In Household Member OR General Inquiry – No Established Case Current Office Location DCF EES Program Request Red-TANF/Refugee/Child Care Include the name of the person in the lobby and any standard comments
Blue Walk In Household Member Current Office Location DCF EES Program Request Blue-Review Include the name of the person in the lobby and any standard comments

Red or Blue Team Worker:

Mail Receiver/Imager:

Key Process Considerations