KEES User Manual
    Working in KEES
    EES Eligibility Programs
    Employment Services
   merged project Foster Care Child Care (FCCC)
    Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
    Aged Out Foster Care Medical
    Prevention and Protection Services (PPS)
    Batches - Non-Medical
    Case Flags
    Duplicate Person
    EBT Issuances
    Forms and NOAs
       Forms and NOAs - Non-Medical
       DCF Standard Text for Copy & Paste
          Adoption Assistance
          Adoption Assistance Review Reminder
          Child Care
          Child Care Provider Enrollment
          Employment Services
          Food Assistance
          Foster Care
             TANF Fraud
             TANF Protective Payee
                TANF Denial – No Protective Payee for cases found guilty of fraud
                TANF Discontinuance – No Protective Payee for cases found guilty of fraud
                TANF Pending Approval - Protective Payee for cases found guilty of fraud
                TANF Pending Approval - Protective Payee for SBDT requirements
             TANF SBDT
             TANF Approval
             TANF Denial
             Late TANF Review – Change in Benefits
             Late TANF Review – No Change in Benefits
             TANF Applicants with a Work Program Penalty
             TANF Approval – Individual Disqualification, Felony Drug Conviction
             TANF Denial – Failure to Complete Self-Assessment and/or Orientation
             TANF Denial – EDBC Discontinuance due to CSS and WP Penalty
             TANF Denial – Negative Action due to CSS or WP Penalty
             TANF Extension
             ES-3102 – Cooperation with Child Support
             Online Tutorial
             Potential Employment Disqualification: TANF Closure
          1st Month Denial, 2nd Month Approval
          2024 COLA
          Card Skimming or Card Cloning
          EBT Over Collection Refund Notification
          Ineligible Alien (Unable or unwilling to provide INS documentation)
          No SSN for Primary Applicant
          Notification of SSP Link Request Denial
          Notice of Supplemental Benefits
          Quality Control Contact Letter
          Restored Benefits Applied to Established Overpayment
          V013: Expenses Exceed Income
       DCF KEES Forms Inventory
    Master Person Index (MPI)
    Resource Databank (RDB)
    Security and Passwords
    Shared Data
    Staff Management
    Task Management
    Voter Registration
    Workload Assignment - Non-Medical
    Worker ID Management
    DCF Processing Deadlines
    PPS Payment Schedule