Rescind Program - Non-Medical

Rescinding a program reinstates an existing application date to Pending status after the application had been denied or discontinued. Rescinding sets a program to Pending without logging a new application date.

The Rescind button only rescinds a group of people that share the same Program Application Date and event type (denial/discontinuance). The Rescind button does not display when there is a pending application for any Program Persons in the future. When clicking the Rescind button, the Beginning Date of Aid and Application Date are automatically populated based on the last valid application.

NOTE: If you receive an error message during the Rescind Process, please see File Clearance and Registration Warning Messages for instructions on how to proceed.

From the Case Summary Page

  1. Change the Display Date to the month to rescind and click the View button to refresh the page with the new display date.

  2. Click the caret of the collapsed ‘Non-Medical’ program block to expand the block and review the program details.

  3. In the ‘Non-Medical’ program block, click the View Details button. The ‘Non-Medical’ Detail page displays.

  4. Click the Edit button to make the ‘Non-Medical’ Detail page editable.

  5. Click the Rescind button. The Rescind Detail page displays.

  6. Select the radio button for the group of persons and the Effective Date to Rescind.  The default selection is the most recent application event.

  7. Select a Rescind Reason:

    1. 1st Month Ineligible - Using this Rescind Reason sets the Beginning Date of Aid to the first day of the month following the month of application. See Denying the First Month of Benefits for more information.

    2. 2nd Month Ineligible - Using this Rescind Reason sets the Beginning Date of Aid to the first day of the second month following the month of application. See Denying the First & Second Months of Benefits for more information.

      NOTE: When using the 2nd Month Ineligible reason, the Beginning Date of Aid can be set to the first of a month not yet available in the Run EDBC drop-down menu. In this situation the user needs to create a Purple Future Processing task in the Alert Queue with a date 10 days before the last day of the application month. This is the date the come-up month is available to process the program. Always be sure to create a Journal entry.

    3. Appeal - This reason is used when a consumer has requested continuing benefits during an appeal process.

    4. Erroneous Disc/Deny - This reason is used when a program was denied or discontinued in error and needs reopened.

    5. Rescind Disc/Deny - This reason is used when a program was denied or discontinued appropriately, but circumstances have changed so the program should be reopened. Ex: Program was denied for failure to provide or cooperate.  Consumer has now provided/cooperated and the program can be reopened.

    6. Verifications after 30 days - Do not use – this rescind reason causes FA reporting to show as untimely in error. If a consumer submits verifications after the initial 30 days of the application the user should use the Reapply button using the date the verifications were received as the application date. See Reapply Program for more information.

    7. Review not Processed - This reason is used when a program was discontinued for Failure to Provide Review and the review is submitted prior to the end of the review period.  If review is submitted after the end of the review period, see Reapply Program.

      NOTE: If the user selects either 1st Month Ineligible or 2nd Month Ineligible the user is presented with a Rescind Confirmation page displaying the Denied and Pending dates. If the information is correct click the Save and Return button, otherwise click the Cancel button.

  8. Click the Save and Return button. The 'Non-Medical' Detail page displays.

  9. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.

NOTE: If the program block needs a worker re-assigned see Workload Assignment.

  1. If the consumer has an e-Application, navigate to Existing Case e-Application Registration to link the e-App to the case.