Adoption Assistance to Foster Care

A child receiving Adoption Assistance may require a foster care placement.  Adoption Assistance Subsidy continues to the adoptive parent unless renegotiated or parental rights are terminated.  Users must complete the following pages:

Case Summary Page

Create or Reapply Foster Care Program Block

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go.  The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Review the Case Summary page.

  3. Verify the Display Date field is populated with the month the child re-entered foster care using the <mm/01/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  4. Click the View button.

  5. Click the carat to expand the Foster Care program block. Click the View Details button in the Foster Care program block. The Foster Care Detail page displays in view mode.

  6. Click the View Details button in the Medical Programs block.  The Medical Program Detail page displays.

Example: Child enters foster care 1/15/20XX the End Date for the PPS Payee administrative role would be 1/14/20XX.

NOTE: If the Name is not found on the first search, try entering a portion of the Name. If the Name is still not found or needs to be updated, see Resource Databank for PPS Maintainers.

Contact Summary Page

The address needs to be changed from the Adoptive Parent(s) to the Foster Care contractor. For children in DCF custody, the address of the Child Welfare Case Management Provider (CWCMP) is entered.  For children in the custody of the Tribe or KDOC-JS, the address of the case management office is entered.

  1. Select Contact from Task Navigation.  The Contact Summary page displays.  See PPS Contact Summary for detailed steps.

Long Term Care (LTC) Detail

This page is completed when a child is placed in a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) or receives Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in their foster or adoptive home.  The LTC Data Detail page is dynamic with different information required depending on whether the consumer is receiving Institutional Care or HCBS.  See Foster Care Medical to Institutional Care or Foster Care Medical to HCBS for more information.

Noncustodial Parents

Select NonCustodial Parents from Task Navigation. The Noncustodial Parent List page displays. Enter a record for each parent. See Noncustodial Parents - PPS for further instructions to complete this page.

Other Health Insurance

This page is completed if the child has health insurance through a parent.  Medical claims are sent through this insurance prior to billing Medicaid.  Complete this page based on information provided by the parent. See Third Party Liability – Other Health Insurance – PPS for further instructions to complete this page.

NOTE: Per PPS policy insurance information should continue to be forwarded to HP.

Custody Authority - Foster Care Eligibility Determination Page

Click the + beside Foster Care from Task Navigation to expand the data collection pages. Access the Foster Care Eligibility Determination page by selecting Custody Authority from Task Navigation. See Custody Authority - Foster Care Eligibility Determination for further instruction.

Child Placement List Page

Select Child Placement from Task Navigation. See Child Placement List Page for instructions to add the Placement Provider information.

Run EDBC Page

Users must run EDBC for Foster Care to establish the appropriate funding aid code. See Eligibility Determination and Benefit Calculation for further instruction.

Once Foster Care is Active, users must run EDBC for Medical to establish the FCM aid code. See Eligibility Determination and Benefit Calculation for further instruction.

  1. Click the Notice hyperlink on the Distributed Documents page. A new window opens with the Notice of Action.

  2. Review the NOA to verify the information is accurate.

  3. Click the X in the upper right corner of the window to return to the Distributed Documents page

  4. Select the check box for the NOA then click the Delete button. The NOA is removed from the Distributed Documents page.

  5. Run EDBC for the medical program through the come-up month if the Begin Month for Foster Care is earlier than the come-up month to ensure the medical program is high-dated.

  6. Select Journal from Utility Navigation. Record all actions taken on the case. See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.

Manual EDBC: A Manual EDBC should be completed on the Adoption Assistance program only if the subsidy amount has been renegotiated or the Adoption is to be discontinued. See Manual EDBC: Discontinue Adoption Assistance.