Family Services
DCF Administration Building
555 S. Kansas Ave., 6th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603


Regional Directors
Economic and Employment Services Program Administrators
Economic and Employment Services Staff
Prevention and Protection Services Administrators
Other Staff


Summary of Changes for Kansas Economic and Employment Services Manual (KEESM) Revision No. 117 effective October 1, 2024


A brief overview of the major changes is described below. Other clarifications and technical corrections are also included and described in the next section. Additional technical corrections not mentioned here are being incorporated into KEESM, as needed.

Child Care, Food Assistance, TANF -

Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024:
On March 9, 2024, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024 was signed and included a provision titled “Compact Impact Fairness: Act and revised the eligibility of freely associated states such as Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. Citizens lawfully residing in the United States in accordance with the Compact of Free Association (COFA) are considered qualified immigrants and eligible to receive Food Assistance, Child Care and TANF benefits without a waiting period.

Child Care - Child care benefit rates are being adjusted effective October 1, 2024, to reflect the results of the most recent market analysis and narrow cost analysis. Most, but not all age and county groupings will change. Also with this change, one county – Greely County – was changed from county grouping 3 to group 2. The enhanced rate for special care is also being adjusted.

Food Assistance -

Annual Poverty Level Adjustments:

This revision incorporates the annual adjustments to the Food Assistance program that are effective October 1 of each year. These changes will be processed in KEES. This batch will run before negative action in September.

The minimum allotment remains the same at $23. The maximum gross resource limits increased to $4500 for households with at least one member who is 60 or older or disabled and $3000 for all other households.

In Kansas, there is an increase in the maximum benefit. The increase is based on the re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan. The Thrifty Food Plan is based on current food prices, food composition data, consumption patterns, and dietary guidance.

Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023:

On June 3, 2023, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) was signed into law. The FRA increases the age of those subject to ABAWD time limit rules to age 54 effective October 1, 2024.

Food Assistance Mandatory Employment & Training – Screening procedures for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment & Training are being updated.

Summer EBT - Summer EBT (to be branded SUN Bucks in 2025 and beyond) is a brand-new program that provides a one-time annual benefit to eligible children during the summer months. This SOC offers a summary of the program within the context of other DCF programs.


  1. Child Care

    1. Changes

      1. Eligible Non-Citizens – Section 2142.1(10) is being added to reflect the Compact Impact Fairness Act. Compacts of Free Association (COFA) Citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshal Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States are eligible to receive Child Care with no waiting period.

    2. Clarifications

      1. Child Care Non-Cooperation – KEESM 2165.3 is being modified to clarify that a parent must be allowed 10 days to reestablish cooperation if non-cooperation exists at the time of the eligibility review.

  2. Employment Services

    1. Changes

      1. KEESM 3100.1 (2), 3100.2 (2), 3110.2, 3120.2, 3140.2, 3210, 3340, 3340.1 through 3340.11, 3512.2 – Program title in headings changed to Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) for consistency.

      2. Work Requirements for Applicants - KEESM 3100.1 (2)(b) has been updated to show the requirement to screen clients before referral to E&T.

      3. Work Requirements for Recipients - KEESM 3100.2 (2) has been updated with information about how long E&T has to claim and work referral tasks.

      4. E&T Activities - KEESM 3340.3, 3340.9, 3340.14 have been removed. These activities are no longer in use by E&T. All affected KEESM reference numbers have been updated.

      5. Effect on Food Assistance Eligibility for Recipients - KEESM 3512.2 Note with information about tiered penalty has been removed. Information about the TANF penalty was removed from this section since it pertains to E&T.

      6. Re-Establishing Eligibility for Food Assistance E&T - KEESM 3522.2 - E&T removed from this section since it pertains to regaining eligibility for food assistance

    2. Clarifications

      1. Employment Services Activity Monitoring and Verification Requirements - The wording in KEESM 3300.1 has been updated to clarify Employment Services progress reviews should occur as needed, but no less than once every 6 months. The progress must document that the client and the career navigator have discussed the progress made toward self-sufficiency since the last review.

  3. Food Assistance

    1. Changes

      1. Annual Adjustments to the Food Assistance Program Standards – Effective October 1, 2024, the following documents are being updated to incorporate the annual federal adjustments to the Food Assistance program. The standard deduction for household size 1-3 has increased to $204. The standard deduction for a household size of 4 has increased to $217 and household size of 5 has increased to $254. There is an increase in the gross and net income limits and there is an increase in the maximum excess shelter deduction to $712. The Food Assistance mass change process will run all Food Assistance cases through EDBC for October 2024, with the information currently in KEES, which can cause benefits to change or cases to be discontinued. Examples include income changes, verification date of death, etc. Households will be notified of any changes to their benefits with the mass change notice issued after rollover in September.

        Documents being changed are: 
        Appendix Item F-2, Food Assistance Program Standards 
        Appendix Item F-3, Food Assistance Benefit Tables 
        Form ES-1510.1, Computation of Food Assistance Benefit

      2. Standard Deduction – Section 7222 is being modified to increase the standard deduction amounts. The new amounts effective October 1, 2024 are:

        Household size 1-3=$204

        Household size 4=$217

        Household size 5=$254

        Household size 6 or more=$291

      3. Shelter Costs – Sections 7226, 7226.3 and 7226.6 are being modified to change the excess shelter deduction to $712. The SUA is decreasing to $456, and the LUA is increasing to $336. The telephone standard is increasing to $43.The Homeless Shelter Expense is increasing to $190.30.

      4. Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs)-FRA changes to ABAWD time limit rules.

        1. Sections 2520 and 2527 are being modified to reflect changes in age to 18 through 54.

        2. Section 2521 is being modified to reflect changes in the exemption for persons under age 18 or age 55 or over.

      5. Work-Related Exemptions – Section 3220(2) has been modified to reflect that qualified non-citizens who do not have authorization to work in the United States shall be considered “unfit” for employment and be exempt.

      6. Interim Report and 12-Month Report Form – Section 9122(c)(vi) and Section 9122(d)(iv) are being modified to reflect federal adjustment to resource limits.

      7. Maximum Allowable Resource Limits – Section 5120 is being modified to reflect a federal adjustment to resource limits.

      8. Reporting Requirements – Section 9122.1 is being modified to reflect a change to lottery or gambling winnings amount that must be reported.

      9. Special Non-Citizen Provisions – Section 2143.3(5) is being added to reflect the Compact Impact Fairness Act. Compacts of Free Association (COFA) Citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshal Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States are eligible to receive Food Assistance with no waiting period.

    2. Clarifications

      1. Work-Related Exemptions – Section 3220(2) is being modified to list out all scenarios that would make a person physically or mentally “unfit” for work and be exempt from work requirements to make it more user-friendly.

      2. Persons Exempt from the ABAWD Provisions – Section 2521(3) is being modified to remove a statement regarding cooperating with VR, disability pending or all MediKan recipients and is instead directed back to Section 3220(2) for the definition of “unfit”. Section 2521(3) NOTE is being modified to remove information that states “yes” must be answered to questions 1 and 4 or 1 and 5. The only question that needs to be answered “yes” on ES-3900 is question 1.

      3. Homeless Shelter Expense – Section 7226.6 is being modified to provide more direction and definition for this policy.

      4. Simplified Eligibility Determination – Section 1321(6) is being modified to remove language regarding faxes and emails being considered received on the date of the time stamp.

      5. Responsibility to Supply Information – Section 1212.2 is being modified to include a link to 1321(6) regarding the received date and removing language regarding faxes and emails being considered received the date of time stamp.

  4. LIEAP

    1. Changes

      1. Household Definition - KEESM 13320 is being updated to match the LIEAP federal definition and also to specify only college students living in the home are to be included in the household.

      2. Exempt Income - KEESM 13361 is being updated to add cryptocurrency as exempt income.

      3. Income Guidelines - KEESM 13362 is being updated with the current 150% federal poverty level amounts.

      4. Payment Methods - KEESM 13421 is being updated by removing the requirement for a split payment to have the same name on both accounts for the customer to have their LIEAP benefit split between two vendors.

  5. Summer EBT

    1. Changes

      1. Summer EBT - KEESM 1116 has been updated with a Summer EBT program description.

      2. Disclosure of Confidential Information - KEESM 1222 has been updated to include Summer EBT.

      3. Voter Registration - KEESM 1731 has been updated to include Summer EBT.

      4. Income Exempt - KEESM 6410 #58 has been updated to include Summer EBT benefits.

      5. Program Summary - KEESM 12100 has been added to provide a program summary of Summer EBT. Summer EBT is an assistance program that helps eligible families with school-aged children pay for groceries during the summer months when children are not receiving free or reduced school lunch. This benefit is distributed with a single annual issuance.

        1. Summer Operational Period - KEESM 12110 has been added to provide information on the Summer Operational Period. Summer EBT operates during the summer months, during what is called the Summer Operational Period. In Kansas, the Summer Operational Period is May 1 to August 31. This period is meant to reflect roughly the period of time when most schools in Kansas are out of session for summer break.

      6. Eligibility - KEESM 12210 has been added to detail eligibility for the Summer EBT program. Eligibility can be established at any point during the Period of Eligibility which extends from July 1 of the previous year through the end of the Summer Operational Period. Eligible children include those who are school-aged (7 to 17) and receiving FA, TANF, or Foster Care benefits. Children enrolled in a National School Lunch Program/Summer Breakfast Program-participating school and receiving or are eligible to receive free or reduced school lunch due to the family income falling at or below 185% of the federal poverty level.

        1. Streamlined Certification - KEESM 12220 has been added to explain the streamlined certification process. Streamlined Certification is the process of automatically enrolling an eligible child for Summer EBT with no extra work on the part of the family. Families who do not meet streamlined certification criteria may still be eligible for Summer EBT and will be able to apply for benefits.

        2. Income - KEESM 12230 has been added to explain the income standards for the Summer EBT program. Families are income eligible to receive Summer EBT if they have children enrolled in a National School Lunch Program-participating school and the family’s income falls below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.

      7. Application Processing - KEESM 12300 has been added to explain Summer EBT application processing. Applications will be accepted year-round and an eligibility determination will be made within 15 operational days.

      8. Verification - KEESM 12310 has been added. A random sample equal to 3% of approved applications received before April 1 will be marked for verification. All information on the application will need to be confirmed before benefits will be issued. DCF will attempt direct verification of data within DCF systems as much as possible before requesting information from the household. DCF will also conduct verification for the cause of applications that contain contradictory or unclear information using the Prudent Person doctrine.

      9. Issuance Timeline - KEESM 12400 has been added. Streamlined certified households and households whose eligibility is determined by application during the school year will be issued benefits 7 to 14 days before the start of the Summer Operational Period. Eligible households who apply during the Summer Operational Period will be issued benefits within 15 operational days.

      10. Expungement - KEESM 12500 has been added. Summer EBT benefits will be expunged off of Kansas Benefits Cards 122 days after issuance.

      11. Replacement - KEESM 12600 has been added. Summer EBT benefits can only be replaced if food purchased is destroyed in household misfortune or disaster.

      12. Opt-Out - KEESM 12700 has been added. Families eligible for auto-issuance will have the chance to opt-out of receiving the benefit if they don’t want it. Instructions for doing so will be included in their eligibility notice.

      13. Incorrect Payments and Fraud - KEESM 12800 has been added. Kansas will pursue an overpayment only in cases where it is reasonable to suspect fraud. Suspected fraud will be referred to the fraud unit for investigation. DCF will not recover SEBT benefits from food assistance benefits already issued.

      14. Fair Hearings and Appeal Procedures - KEESM 12900 has been added. Households can request a fair hearing to dispute DCF’s eligibility determination. The request can be made at any point up to 90 days after the SOP.

  6. TANF

    1. Changes

      1. Eligible Non-Citizens – Section 2142.1(10) is being modified to reflect the Compact Impact Fairness Act. Compacts of Free Association (COFA) Citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshal Islands, and the Republic of Palau who lawfully reside in the United States are eligible to receive TANF with no waiting period.

      2. Resource Limit – The maximum allowable nonexempt resource limit for cash is being increased to $3,000. Sections 5110 and 9121 are being modified to reflect this increase.

      3. Potential Resources (Not applicable to Food Assistance and Child Care Programs) - See Policy Memo #99-10-03: Potential Resources - KEESM 2124.1(3) has been removed.

      4. Computing the Overpayment - Section 11124 is being modified to reflect that if a household member fails to report earned income in a timely manner as outlined in 9121, the resulting overpayment shall be computed without allowing the 60% earned income deduction for those wages that were not timely reported. Timely reported earnings would be allowed the 60% earned income disregard when calculating the overpayment.


Child Care

C-18, Provider Rate Chart

C-18(a), Provider Rate Chart

Employment Services

E-6FAET, E&T Self-Assessment form has been updated with new E&T exemption questions and has been made accessible.

E-10, GOALS has been removed.

Food Assistance

F-2, Food Assistance Program Standards

F-3, Food Benefit Table

E-26, Consolidated Work Requirements

Summer EBT

F-6, Summer EBT Income limits have been added to the Appendix.


Employment Services

ES-4305 has been moved to Sharepoint.

Food Assistance

1510.1, Computation of Food Assistance Benefit

ES-2007 and ES-2007S, Food Assistance Brochure and Inserts


ES-3102 and ES-3102S, to better assist with standard copy/paste text to a V808, the English and Spanish versions were updated.

ES-4102 has been updated with dates through 2026.

ES-4308 has been updated.



All policies in this revision are effective October 1, 2024.

Effect on Local Staff


The material in this letter and manual revision has been coordinated with staff in Economic and Employment Services, Executive leadership, the EES Program Administrators, and the Implementation Planning Team.

Carla Whiteside-Hicks, PhD
Economic and Employment Services Director

Page Last Updated: September 23, 2024 9:55 AM