DCF Standard Text for Copy & Paste

Standard Copy and Paste text is used when there is an issue with a form or NOA in KEES and the KEES generated notification cannot be used. Click on the applicable folder from the content menu to view the standard text. Each standard copy and paste text page contains when the text should be used, how the text should be sent to the consumer, and Spanish translation.

DCF Standard Copy & Paste Text Scenarios


Adoption Assistance

Discontinuance of Adoption Assistance – Child Turning 18

Discontinuance of Adoption Assistance – Child Turning 21

Discontinuance of Adoption Assistance – No Longer Financially Responsible

Discontinuance of Adoption Assistance – No Longer Legally Responsible

Request for Information

Adoption Assistance Review Reminder


Child Care

CC Approval

CC Denial

CC Continuation of Care

Child Care Denial for Failure to Provide

CC Fraud Conviction Disqualification

CC Fraud Non-Cooperation Disqualification

CC Discontinuance for CSS Non-Cooperation

CC Primary Applicant is Under the Age of 18

CC Denial/Discontinuance for Failure to Meet Work Hour Requirements

P501: Provider Notice Plan Ended

Pending Child Care for a Provider Referral

C911: Child Care Benefit Repayment Agreement


Child Care Provider Enrollment

P104: Provider Rate Change Completed

P105: Provider Rate Change Completed

Provider Approval Notice

Provider Denial-Termination Notice


Employment Services

Appointment Letter

Assessment Notice

Employment Letter

Employment Services Discontinuance Notice

FAET Reminder Letter for ABAWDS

Non-Response Letter

Notice of TANF Months/Hardship Review

Payment Approval Notice

Review of Activities Appointment

Work Program Payment Approval

Child Under 2 Months Exemption


Food Assistance

Food Assistance Approval

Food Assistance Denial

Food Assistance IR Approval

Food Assistance Review Approval

F830: FA Fraud Disqualification-Participation

F832: FA Repayment Agreement - Agency - Consumer Error for Participating Household

Food Assistance Comparable Penalty for Failure to Provide School Enrollment

FA Fraud Disqualification - Non-Participating Individual

Food Assistance Lottery/Gambling Winnings

Postponed Verifications for Expedited FA


Foster Care

Foster Care Discontinuance



Approval Notifications

Denial Notifications

Supplemental Notifications


Alternate Vendor-Check Payment to Single Vendor

Alternate Vendor-Electronic Payment to Single Vendor

Approval-Benefit is Re-issued

Notification of Overpayment

Overpayment Recoupment



TANF Fraud

TANF Denial - Fraud Non-Cooperation

TANF Discontinuance - Fraud Non-Cooperation

TANF Fraud Disqualification - Non-Recipient

TANF Fraud Disqualification - Permanent

TANF Protective Payee

TANF Denial - No Protective Payee for Cases Found Guilty of Fraud

TANF Discontinuance - No Protective Payee for Cases Found Guilty of Fraud

TANF Pending Approval -  Protective Payee for Cases Found Guilty of Fraud

TANF Pending Approval - Protective Payee for SBDT Requirements


Client Request to Withdrawal or Discontinue TANF - Drug Testing

Drug Test Referral (Mailed)

First Positive Drug Test

TANF Discontinuance - Failed Drug Testing Requirement

TANF Negative Drug Test

TANF Suspicion Based Drug Testing Ineligibility Notice

Other TANF

TANF Approval

TANF Denial

Late TANF Review - Change in Benefits

Late TANF Review - No Change in Benefits

TANF Applicants with a Work Program Penalty

TANF Approval - Individual Disqualifications. Felony Drug Conviction

TANF Denial - Failure to Complete Self-Assessment and/or Orientation

TANF Denial - Negative Action due to CSS or WP Penalty

TANF Extension

ES-3102 - Cooperation with Child Support

Online Tutorial

Potential Employment Disqualification: TANF Closure



1st Month Denial, 2nd Month Approval

2024 COLA

Card Skimming or Card Cloning

EBT Over Collection Refund Notification

Ineligible Alien (Unable or unwilling to provide INS documentation)

No SSN for Primary Applicant

Notification of SSP Link Request Denial

Notice of Supplemental Benefits

Quality Control Contact Letter

Restored Benefits Applied to Established Overpayment

V013: Expenses Exceed Income